Friday 14 November 2014

How technology has changed how we learn

How technology has changed how we learn

Over the years, the ways we learn has evolved in as many ways as we ourselves have as a society. Developments and advances in resources and ideas over the years have taken us from spoken word to written texts, and now from written texts into a modern, more technological way of learning. 
According to a report from 2010, the worlds digital information is the equivalent to a stack of books capable of reaching Pluto 10 times over! (Quinn, 2010). This is not only a staggering fact to try and absorb, but is also unforeseen when we look the shape of technology just a few decades ago. In the past information was only available to a few and from a few sources, these days however, its is available to everyone, whats more is that it is all available to most of us within out own pockets via mobile devices. 
In terms of teaching, digital technology has drastically changed it to enable us to widen out reach in terms of target audience. McKnight (2010) explains that 20 years ago learners had one main source of education: the teacher. These days however, they can draw information and education from anyone or anyplace on the planet. This alone is enough an argument to suggest that not only is technology assisting learners in the amount of information they access, but also changes how they learn.
In the last few decades we have seen the way we learn shift from text books and written notes, to online resources and e-books. Today, the majority of libraries offer an extensive library of online books and journals equal or greater to the quantity of hard copy text books. When we look at how the way we learn has morphed today into ways we couldn’t have comprehended, its hard not to wonder or even look forwards to how technology will enable us to access more and more information in the future. At the rate technology has changed and seems to change on a daily basis, its safe to say that nobody can predict what revolutionary teaching or learning tools are coming out way next. 

Quinn, A. (2010). Data, information and Knowledge . Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2014.

McKnight, K. (2014). Top 12 ways technology changed learning.Available: Last accessed 13t Nov 2014.

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