Tuesday 16 September 2014

Technology everywhere

As part of the PCET course we have been instructed to list the technology we use within our own home....these days its safe to say this will be sizeable list.....here goes.....

Daily use - iPod classic, iPhone 4S and a GoPro hero 3 sports camera (my pride and joy!)

Computing - Macbook,  3 external hard drives (Movie - Music - Data), printer/scanner, external speakers, separate monitor (for multitasking) and countless USB sticks

Entertainment - Bush TV, Xbox 360 (hate games, but its great as an entertainment system), DVD player, Virgin Media and various DVD's

Pro audio/Music instruments - Various recording programs, Graphite 24 midi keyboard, M-audio interface, Boss pedalboard with a number of effect pedals, Various guitars (mainly fenders with different tech features), VOX guitar amp, selection of microphones and enough cables to loose my mind over!

Not a complete list but a bit of an eye opener as to how much tech surrounds me!

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